Hai, lama xmenulis kat blog ni. Masih wujud rupanya. Jomlah dgr cerita kali ni. Pengalaman berharga setelah 5 tahun xpregnant. Huhu
Pregnancy kali ke-4 ni skali lagi kitorg pilih Hospital Sg Buloh untuk bersalin sebab dah biasa, senang nak tinggalkan budak2 dgn parents bila kena pegi hospital. So masa week 37, kitorg bertolak ke rumah parents saya dengan rancangan - husband, Adam & Areef bertolak balik ke Batu Pahat after 3 days. So saya berdoa la supaya baby keluar while they are still in Sg Buloh. Two days before (12/10/24) they were supposed to depart to BP, me and husband pegi makan hotpot kat The Curve. Perut dh kenyang sgt, so we decided to walk around the mall. Afterwards kitorg jalan IKEA pulak. Jalan sampai kaki cramp.
Tgh malam dalam kul 230am tu terasa perut asyik mengeras sampai sakit blkg. Ikut pengalaman, tu kira contraction dah. So saya bukak app and track contractions tu. Kebetulan husband xtido lagi, so saya pun inform dia tgh rasa cm contraction tp xtahu nak pegi hospital ke tidak. Contraction tu consistent for 2 hours, 5 min apart. Masa berjalan2 pun xberkurang or hilang rs sakit. Kitorg pun pegi la hospital dlm jam 5am just in case sbb slalunya bila dh contraction ni, baby akan keluar laju je. I don't usually have long labour. Tu yang risau.
Masa husband drive ke dewan bersalin tu, dia tersalah jalan and the guard kat situ marah2 kitorg. We were trying to go back but kete kitorg panjang so it was hard to u-turn. Guard tu plak foreigner, xpaham bahasa agaknya. Lepas tu kitorg park kat parking lot jap sebab xrasa macam contractions tu rapat lg. Tp tiba2 makin hilang contractionnya. Makin jauh jaraknya sampai 10min. Agaknya hati tgh bengang dgn guard tu, trus kacau contractions. Haha kitorg pun terus balik.
A week after that, my parents went to a family gathering in BP. They were supposed to be the one to bring me to the hospital when the time comes. They said they were gonna come back the same day but I knew they were going to stay the night and come back the next day. I planned to go to OU with my little sister that Saturday (19/10/24) just to facilitate labour, but at 3am I already felt contractions again. I took a shower, got ready and sat in front of the TV, trying to decide whether or not I should wake my brother up to send me to the hospital and take care of Ammar.
It started being 10mins apart and slowly getting to 5mins apart. I texted my husband around 5am to tell him about the contractions. I was planning on waking up my brother after subuh, but somehow the contractions remained 5 mins apart the whole time. So I delayed and delayed until around 10am, my sister came down ready to go to OU. I told her I couldn't go, so she decided to bring me to the hospital.
By then, the contractions were still bearable. They didn't hurt yet. Dewan bersalin masa tu agak lengang. Maybe thats why semua doctors and nurses were taking their sweet time. Stgh jam jgk tunggu, then baru dpt check CTG.
After that, kena check dalam. Masa ni dah 2 mins apart and it was still bearable. Then around 11am lebih, ada doktor tu check dalam and dia kata nak bukak jalan. I don't know what that means but it was painful. Agaknya dia xdapat pastikan berapa bukaan so she called for another doctor. This second one pun did the same thing, nak bkk jalan and POP! pecah ketuban. Sakit ok dia nk bkk jalan tu, digodek2 adeh. Rupanya masa nak check bukaan tu, ada bonjolan amniotic membrane so susah nak dptkan bukaan. Lepas pecah ketuban, katanya bukaan dah 4cm.
Lepas je pecah ketuban tu, terus dorg kelam kabut. Siapkan labour room etc. Immediately after pecah ketuban tu, my contractions jd kuat dan sakit and every 1 min interval. Rs cm nak bear down. So dorg tolak pegi labour room. Sy pindah katil and dengan 2 kali push yang panjang, keluar la seorang baby girl at 11.47am.
Teringat lagi rasa macam terkoyak rabak bawah tu, padahal babynya kecik je 3.0kg masa lahir. Tp nurse cakap sikit je koyak, 1st degree tear. Masa nak jahit tu mmg seram sebenarnya sbb teringat trauma sebelum ni. Entah kenapa, kali ni macam lain sikit. Jahit kulit dia still sakit cuma boleh tahan lg la.
Pastu tunggu la turn untuk masuk wad bersalin. Wad tu penuh sampai saya kena duduk kat katil extension yang terhimpit antara katil lg satu and tingkap. Dah la xde langsir, terhimpit plak tu. Mmg xkondusif lgsg walaupun ada GL. Patut dpt first class tp dpt third class je. Bila doktor round pagi, katanya nak check kuning tp dr pagi sampai ke lewat ptg masih xamek darah.
Lepas waktu melawat jam 7 tu husband dh balik baru la nk amek darah. Disebabkan terhimpit dan xde privacy, mmg xtahan nak lama2 kat situ. Org katil depan asyik tgk kita je sbb dia xberanak lg so xde anak nk ditgk2, saya yg jd intipan dia spjg masa. Rasa janggal sgt org tgk2 ni. Sbb tu nk balik cepat. Bila org sblh dpt discharge ptg tu, malam tu baru la dpt pindah katil dia. Tp xsempat nak merasa pun pruvacy dan ruang yang ada sbb malam tu jgk sy discharge since result kuning masib normal, so checkup kat klinik je. Lega rsnya xperlu bermalam lama2 kat hospital. Rindu abang2 3 org tu jgk. Ammar and Areef la paling excited nk jumpa adik Airis Haura binti Muhammad Hasif.
Ok tu je cerita bersalin kali ni. Panjang sikit tp buat kenangan akan datang.