Sunday 3 February 2013

Our tale. ❤️


Saye sebenarnya sudah berkurun lamanya berniat untuk menulis tentang hari bahagia saya tp entah mengapa memori indah tersebut hanya ingin bermain di fikiran setiap hari setiap saat. Belum rela dilepaskan dari diri untuk dikongsi bersama. I don't mean anything insulting by this. I just want to absorb everything in. I know I have to write this down eventually. I know this very well. I know I'm not good at remembering things. Oh I pray to Allah let me hold on to these forever. Very important days of your life, you should remember it by heart right? Oh I wish I had that ability. Sometimes I forget other people's names after less than 10 minutes. So, I've decided to put this on writing (virtually).

This is how our story goes...

Out first meeting (couldn't remember the exact date)
If I'm not mistaken, it was the first semester of our medic course. Our first year. The topics we were studying were a lot and very exhausting. It was about the process of life. Everything. From zygote to gendered baby. Some of us joined group discussions in order to understand about this process of life at a much shorter time. Then, one day...I asked one of the group members where she was going (she was heading to her group discussion). She suggested that I join it. So, me and this one other girl...bravely joined this friend of mine to her group discussion. They welcomed me. That was my very first group discussion btw. I've always been a lone ranger. Wuwuu...

He was there.

Each of us was assigned to study of a specific topic and expected to present it the next day.

*the next day*
It was my turn to explain everything that I've learned the day before. I was nervous (of course!). I'm so worried if I were to give out wrong information, if I were to mistook what I read the day before. I was worried if I were the cause to my friends' failure (belum exam pon lg but my thoughts went THAT far already). I don't know if I could handle that much responsibility. But I went on anyway. I dont know if I remember this right but while I was presenting my topic, someone paused me. He stopped me from continuing. Maybe he didn't understand something from what I've explained. What I'm very sure is... at the end, I asked this to him. "Kau xsuke aku ke?". I was very sure he was angry about something because he yelled this to me... "Ko nak explain ke x?". I was in my argue mode but since there were too many witnesses, I pulled away. I continued with my explanation.

That was our first meeting. Our first conversation actually. Very weird right? Not really movie-ish. Tak romantik langsung!! Ahahah...

How it began (29th January 2010)
It was nearing exam week. Everybody's busy doing revisions, answering past years exam papers. At that time, Yahoo! Messenger was still the 'in' thing. Most of us were still using YM to communicate with other people in the virtual world.

Suddenly I got this friend request (friend request kah? ntah la. add2 la pastinye) from him. I took a few minutes thinking. Because I wasn't sure what were his motives. I was still thinking that he had some problems with me since our first conversation. I accepted his friend request anyway. He immediately IM-ed me. Asking about some cells. Pathologic ones. I answered those questions for him.

The Proposal (18th May 2010)
A few months (5 months) after that, he proposed (through YM). It was a shock to me. Seriously. I'm not even kidding. Not even a bit. I wasn't expecting it at all. That came out of nowhere. He suddenly proposed. I was already thought of him as 'just a friend'. The one who doesn't talk to you in real life. Plus, I thought he was liking somebody else. That had always been in my mind, that he was not looking for more than just a virtual buddy to talk to. After much shock, I told him to wait 3 YEARS to even talk about marriage (I think I was avoiding the situation). I was aiming to get married at the age of 25, that proposal caught me off guard. I wasn't even 20 years old at the time.

And not long after the proposal (a few minutes), my father called. As if he knew his daughter was in need of help. I immediately told my father about the proposal. I don't know how my father felt at the time, but I think he was shocked. Words didn't flow out of his mouth so swiftly as always. Baba suruh solat istikarah and ask for His guidance. I prayed, I asked for His guidance every day. And finally I was sure. I was calm, no more shock.

He asked again and I said yes. ^-^

'Officially' FiancĂ© FiancĂ©e (31st December 2011)
After much hardship, obstacles, drawbacks, hindrance...exactly 1 year, 7 months and 13 days, we officially got engaged. In a so-so kenduri. Mak sarungkan cincin ke jari2 manis kanan dan kiri. And I remember she said, "halusnya tangaaann~". Ahahaha, ye mak...sangat halus. Cam zombie punye jari. =.=" That was my first time pakai make-up. I was very uncomfortable on that day. But in spite all, I was happy we were one step closer. 1 step closer to the real thing. 

Di sinilah titik bermulanya ujian. Terutamanya bile sudah bergelar tunangan. Memang tidak mengubah apa2 realiti tp di situlah terletaknya ujian sebenar. Susah teramatlah susah. Sangat bersyukur ada yang masih sayang dengan diri kami yang hina ini, saban kali mengingatkan di hati. Peringatan demi peringatan, tanpa putus. Always reminding ourselves, we have boundaries. Thank you Allah. =) 

The Real Thing! Nikah day~ (29th December 2012)
*after exactly 2 years, 11 months
I don't even know how to describe my feelings. Berdebau? Mungkin. Nervous? Mungkin. Segan? Mungkin. Risau? Mungkin juge. Xsabau? Sangat mungkin. Ahaha....Saye sendiri tidak dapat memahami perasaan waktu itu. Mungkin hanya keadaan yang dapat menjelaskan. Tidak dapat diluahkan dengan kate2.

Yang menyalam tok kadi di tgh surau, Encik Muhammad Hasif sah menjadi suami dengan dua lafaz, alhamdulillah~ Sangat lancar sekali! Mesti die practice berkali2 tu. Hikhikhik...sangat comel plak bile dikenangkan. XD Dan dengan itu, Cik Nur Asyiqin bertukar menjadi Power Ranger warne pink. Ahahaha, bukan2...jd Puan Nur Asyiqin~ Puan puan puan puan puan puan puan.....still xbiase dengar. =.="

Alhamdulillah majlis berjalan lancar walau hujan rintik sedikit (it was raining very heavily the day before, we feared for the flood). A lot of my friends came. Sangat terharu bile kawan2 sekolah rendah/menengah yang tinggal di Penang susah payah datang jauh2 untuk ke walimah kami. Rasa macam nak nangis di situ, but make-up tebal takut rosak lebih teruk pule nnti. huhu...

I think I am the most unconventional bride dalam history bangsa Melayu. I changed into my Skechers shoes while the walimah is still going on. My 4-inch platforms, I tossed them away! ahahaha...Sangat tidak senunuh di situ, but I wouldn't seksa my feet for beauty. Huhuu...

The Puan
Oh2, peristiwa yang agak mengejutkan buat kami berdua berlaku sewaktu kami dalam perjalanan keluar dari kapal terbang setelah mendarat di Jakarta, Indonesia. One of the air hosts called me Puan! How did he know? Hmmmm...Maybe he was all too familiar with passengers of the aircraft. Dh bermacam ragam die jumpe, kan? Die dh bulih bace gerak geri org agaknya.

Sudah selamat berlalu lebih dari 1 bulan kehidupan kami sebagai suami isteri. I am very blessed to have such helpful husband, very loving, ultimately funny, imperfectly perfect for me, and super duper adorable. All in all, I'm a very happy wife. Still trying to better herself. I'm grateful to have found a wonderful husband to be my guide to our final destination, His jannah. Alhamdulillah for this blessing, alhamdulillah for Your guides, alhamdulillah for everything. I believe that His plans are the best for He is the best of planners.

Kawan2, doakan yang terbaik untuk kami... ^-^

Dear, I love you so much~