Friday 24 February 2017

Pengalaman melahirkan Muhammad Areef


Kembali lagi di episode pengalaman melahirkan oleh Asyiqin Ramdan. Hahaha pada episode kedua ini, saya akan menceritakan tentang proses kelahiran anak kedua saya iaitu Muhammad Areef bin Muhammad Hasif.

Kisah bermula dari sebelum subuh lebih kurang jam 6 pagi tanggal 23 Februari 2017. Hari Khamis. Saya terjaga awal pagi sebab perut asyek mengeras dan dan rasa sakit di bawah perut dan sakit belakang. The pain was irregular in duration and interval. So mase tu tu macam relax2 lagi sebab xsure betul ke tidak ni real contractions. Atau just Braxton Hicks.

Sebelum masuk waktu Subuh tu, saya siap2 mandi just in case kena pegi hospital. Bersihkan ape2 yang perlu dibersihkan. Haha then solat subuh and tunggu. By then sy dah start track the pain dkt phone app. Mengikut app tu, my contractions were more or less 5 mins apart and 40-60s in duration. Jalan2 pon xberkurang rasa sakit.

So, in my mind, ok those were not Braxton Hicks. But it's too early to wake up my parents. Plus I know they have an appointment with the mechanic to fix the car at 9.30am. Sebab the week before, kereta tu terlanggar anjing and bumper dpn tu kiranya skrg dh xde la sbb remuk. And I was planning on catching them on their way out so that they can send me to the hospital first and then go fix the car.

And luckily, I did catch them on time. It was 9.30am. By then, my contractions were 2 mins apart. Mengikut pengalaman sebelum ni, proses kelahiran mmg berjalan dgn cepat. Bear in mind, the hospital is less than 10mins away but since the car needed fixing so my dad couldn't drive at normal speed. Slalunya kat highway (yes kitorg lalu highway utk ke hospital) boleh speeding sampai 160km/h tapi on that fated day, baba dpt bawak 60km/h je sebab if any faster, kete tu akan buat bunyi bising. Takut terbang plak segala besi kete tu. And that 10 mins became 30mins or more, I dont know anymore because I was in great pain.

Boleh pulak saya pegi pakai seluar time tu. Rasa mcm ketat gila seluar tu padahal x ketat pon. Tapi sbb tgh contraction kan, rasa kena tekan perut tu. All the way to the hospital, saya tarik seluar tu bagi longgar dkt pinggang sbb xnak rasa "tercekik". Then, after what seemed like an eternity, kitorg sampai dkt wad kecemasan bersalin. Sampai2 tu mmg sy xboleh bangun or keluar dr kereta sebab terketar2 kaki menahan sakit. Mama keluar amek kerusi roda and I notice the people around (nurse/guard) mcm xnak tolong ke terkejut ke ape ke xtahu la tapi tercegat je.

Bila saya dah duduk atas kerusi roda tu, dorg tolak masuk wad kecemasan tu and suruh baring atas katil. It was not the labour room. Saya time tu serious xboleh jalan dah takut terkeluar je babynya. Saya cakap saya dah nak terberanak ni. Dh boleh rasa kepala dia. Tapi dorg macam anggap sy overreacting or something because they were not responding to my cry for help. I was still on the wheelchair, then POP! And splash! Habes basah kerusi roda tu and lantai dgn air ketuban. The guard that was following me around was not very helpful. She just stand and stare. Xde inisiatif lgsg utk menolong. And sebab sy stress ke ape ke saya marah dia suruh tolong saya bangun utk baring kat katil tu. And then dorg check bukaan, haa amek kau 10cm dilated. Xnak percaya lagi. Lepas tu baru nak kelam kabut pegi labour room. Dah sampai labour room, dia suruh kita tukar katil pulaaakkkk. Org dah nak terberanak ni, dia suruh pindah sana sini. Haish.

Then, xsampai 1 min later, keluar la seorang baby boy. I told Hasif about my contractions at 6am. And I told him again I had given birth at 10.17am. He was only on his way out of the house in Melaka. 😌 It took him 3 hours to get out of the house. 🧐 And another 2 hours to reach Sg Buloh Hospital.

This second time around, I didn't get episiotomy because it was too fast to even prepare for the equipments. My baby was too eager to come out and see the world. Macam first time dulu, kena jahit still is the most painful in my opinion. Especially bahagian kulit. Huihhhhh xde la sampai jerit tapi kita dalam keadaan dah relax kan sbb baru lepas keluarkan baby. So dalam nak relax tu tu xboleh nak relax sbb kena jahit pulak. Dalam otak kita fokus pada sakit jahit tu je la.

Ok sekian cerita pengalaman bersalin kita yang kedua. Till next time. Haha