Monday, 1 March 2010



Actually saye sangat la malas nk update blog during this holiday. I know, it's weird. Time2 ade mase, xnk gune plak utk update blog. Time exam jugak yg saye gune utk berblogging. Haih~ Ape nk jadi ngan Asyiqin ni?

So, I read a few of my friends' blog posts and suddenly tgn ni tibe2 rase nk menaip. Nak tekan2 kuat2 keyboard tu. *Now is 5.00am and I'm trying my best not to make too much noise*. And then mase nk buat segale bnde ngan internet tu la yg wi-fi buat hal. Tup! YM disconnected. Huish. Bahaye. Something wrong. Lame plak tu xleh nk reconnect ngan wifi. Resah gelisah hati ni bile xde internet. Sambil2 xde internet tu, layan la Vampire Diaries. Best gak tapi at times could be highly annoying! Ade2 je. Hmmm...

The past two days kt rumah sejak menjejak kaki ke tanah air tercinta...ape yg telah saye buat? Same old same old. What we usually do during the weekends. My dad's favourite question..."Nak pegi mane hari ni?". And my favourite answer, "Mane2 je la." My dad mmg pantang dengar that answer coz he wants definite answer *he's the driver* and me being me...I can't just decide where to go. I have to consider what other people wants. I can't become the centre of attention just because I'm back from oversea. Konon je ahaha.

So, we ended up pegi ke KLCC. Oh, my sis yg nk ke situ coz katenye die nk bli jam Fossil. And die xkn dpt unless si kakaknye *yours truly* dpt dlu. The story behind that is that my sis yg bocorkan rahsia psl me wanting Fossil, and alang2 die bgtau saye nk jam tu kt my dad, makenye die pon amek la ksmptn utk dptkan jugak.Pandai2 je budak tu nk jam Fossil. Ish, kecik lg nk brg mahal2! ngade2~

Walaupun saye dh set my eyes on Fossil for so many years *dari form 2*, tapi nmpk cm my sis plak yg terlebih excited nk bli jam tu. Haish~ Saye plak, cool je. Control ayu. ngah3!!! And then bile dh masuk tu, rase cm kurang sedap plak nk bli coz sume pon cm di luar kemampuan. Setelah beberape lame mengevaluate setiap satu jam kt kedai tu, akhirnye dpt la satu. And walaupun saye dh ckp jgn blikan lagi jam Fossil utk my sis, but my dad blikan gak. *Haih...baru form 2 tapi dh dpt jam Fossil, XACI!* Oh btw, jam tu ialah Adjust-o-matic yang sgt berinovatif. Bagus tul! I LIKE!!!

Then, apabile saye ternmpk banner prosperity burger, saye tanpe disedari telah menjerit "Prosperity Burger ade lagi?" sehingga menyebabkan my mom ingat I want to try one. Padahal balik bulan 12 tu dh makan dh pon. Even though dh berkali saye remind my mom yang saye xnk pon prosperity burger tu tapi die insist gak nk ke McD utk bli. Adoi la, ibu~ Ok la, negotiate2 kate xnk, akhirnye tersinggah ke Burger King. (Oh, one more thing knpe my dad decided to go to KLCC, coz saye kate nk mkn aiskrim...ape kaitannye? xtau la) Tapi yg mkn aiskrimnye ialah ibuku yg tersayang. ahaha Orang lain yg nak, org lain yg mkn~

And then, kitorg tgk movie. Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lightning Thief. Best gak. And that's all for Saturday. The rest of the day, I slept.

There were several occasions when I almost nk pggil Ibu/Pak/Mbak kt orang. Nasib baik dpt tahan diri.

Oh and I slept throughout the flight back home. I couldn't even open my eyes when the plane landed. Ahaha...akibat dari kepenatan memindah dan mengemas brg.

Haih..pjg la plak. Padahal pointnye skit je.

Ok. Salam~ Time to take a nap.

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