Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Pinky and the Brain...


Sebelum itu, saye mahu mengucapkan Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan Al-Mubarak kepada seluruh umat Islam dan selamat berpuasa! Semoga amalan kita sepanjang bulan mulia ni diberkati oleh-Nya dan moga-moga kita dapat mengharunginya dengan mudah~ Dan saya mahu meminta kemaafan dari semua, rakan2 taulan yang saya kenal maupun yang tidak/blum kenal, for my past and future mistakes.

Ok, ntah knpe tibe saye terpikirkan Pinky and the Brain ni. Alaaa, cite kartun mase kecik2 doluuu. Bagi yang xpenah tgk, sy explain secare ringkas lg padat je la ye. Cite ni mengisahkan due ekor lab mice yang nak take over the world, every single night. Sebab at the end of every night, their plan xpenah menjadi.

Pinky and The Brain~

The best part of this cartoon is the opening theme! They're Pinky and the Brain. Lagu tu melekat dalam minda kanak2 yang tonton cite ni, sy pasti! Jom kite dengau balik lagu tu, hikhik! Mengimbau kenangan lama~

Let's sing along to the Pinky and the Brain~!

Pinky: Gee Brain, what are we gonna do tonight?
Brain: Same thing we do every night Pinky. Try to take over the world.

They're Pinky and the Brain
Yes Pinky and the Brain
One is a genius, the other's insane
They're laboratory mice
Their genes has been spliced
They're Pinky....
They're Pinky and the Brain...Brain 8x

Before each night is done
Their plan will be unfurled
by the dawning of the sun
They'll take over the world

They're Pinky and the Brain
Yes Pinky and the Brain
Their twilight campaign
is easy to explain

To prove their mousey worth
They overthrow the earth
They're Pinky,
they're Pinky and the Brain, Brain (7x)


Alma said...

aku sukaaaa nyanyi lagu ni..
sampai skrg!
hahaha :D

Asyiqin said...

Ko memang! =P