Tadi, saye tertengok Academy Awards punye event and like always...actors, actresses and sometimes singers *sibuuukk je* pakai baju lawa2 (terdedah sane terdedah sini), ade yang kurang lawa and ade yang plain ugly. Xnak point out sape. And amongst those yang ensem2 lawa2, ade la beberape yang nmpk out of place cause dorg sangat kelakar just by being themselves. Ahahah...
Saye nmpk satu je td sebab tibe2 kne keluar makan and xsempat nk tgk the whole event. But3, saye akan senaraikan beberape yang saye kategorikan dalam golongan di atas. Nerds, geeks and dorks. Okay, first of all...those three terms define people differently, though some of us *yours truly* rase words tu cm same je meaning die kan. The followings saye dpt dr wikipedia je sbb malas nk bukak kamus besau lg berat tu...so, here.
Dork - quirky, silly and/or stupid, socially inept person, or one who is out of touch with contemporary trends.
Geek - a peculiar or otherwise dislikable person, esp[ecially] one who is perceived to be overly intellectual.
Nerd - a person who avidly pursues intellectual activities, technical or scientific endeavors,
esoteric knowledge, or other obscure interests, rather than engaging in more social or conventional activities. May be awkward, shy and unattractive.
Hmm, since they do not imply the same level of intelligence...therefore I will only use the term geek from here onwards sbb mereka xkelihatan stupid. Kalo anda pernah tgk The Social Network, Zombieland, Scott Pilgrim vs The World, Juno, The Sorcerer's Apprentice, She's Out of My League...maka anda akan tau sape I'm referring to.
1. Jesse Eisenberg

Care jalan die kelakar. Care cakap pon cm cumel. :P
2. Michael Cera

Blur2 je die ni. Ckp pon lmbt (lambat dan lembut), gentleman la~
3. Jay Baruchel

Slouching. Xreti diri tegak die ni. Suare sengau2 skit. Kelakar.
4. Shia Labeouf - Die ni dulu *zmn Even Stevens* je cmtu, skrg dh jd rebutan para gadis di serate dunia. Auww!
Tapi saye bukan la cm fan kat sane tu smpi nk stalk mereka ni. Agame pon agama TUUUTTT, so xde gune pon stalk mereka. Cumenye, kalo dorg ni ade dlm suatu movie...akan lebih syok la sebab mereka ni kelakar walaupun dorg xbuat lawak. And since I'm into geeks, so great la. Bad boys skrg xlaku laaa... ahahaha
OK, sume ni lawak2 je. Kalo ade yang terasa, saye mintak maaf. Buhsan xtau nk buat ape cuti ni. Mungkin ade yang xconsider mereka ni geek at all tapi HOT, itu pendapat anda. Pendapat masing2 lain.