Friday, 9 September 2016

Kisah elevator


Alhamdulillah masih wujud blog ni. Entah kenapa saya terdetik untuk bukak blog (mungkin sebab laptop akhirnya dapat di-On setelah sekian lama). Bila terbaca post2 lama, terdetik pula rasa nak menulis. Zaman blog-memblog semakin lama semakin dilupakan tapi ada untungnya mereka yang setia menulis. In the future, dapat rewind balik ke tahun-tahun sebelum ini and relive the moment. Itu salah satu gunanya blog, semacam online journal (at least to me it is). Bukan menulis untuk dunia membaca, tapi untuk diri sendiri.

Oleh itu, saya nak relive moment semalam dan hari ini yang saya rasa terhibur bila diingat kembali. I've wrote this on Twitter tapi terlalu pendek untuk menceritakan the whole story. Sejak beberapa minggu lepas, kami selalu keluar untuk menguruskan hal-hal adik yang nak fly ke Manchester. So, ke shopping mall, ke bangunan Mara, ke Putrajaya, dan macam-macam tempat lagi. Dan persamaan tempat2 yang dituju ni adalah semua bangunan2 tinggi dan mempunyai elevator.

Sejak kami kecil, memang kegemaran sangat menekan butang elevator ni. Sampai berebut-rebut, terkejar-kejar nak menjadi orang pertama menekan butang elevator. And because of that, mommy and daddy dah xperlu tekan butang elevator. That goes on for years. Sampailah satu-satu anak meningkat dewasa and masing-masing meninggalkan sarang.

Ok, back to the moments I was talking about. The first moment was yesterday (actually this moment has occured numerous times before but I've forgotten about them) when mommy and I went to PKNS Shah Alam. Kami bertiga (including Adam) berjalan dan bershopping la sementara menunggu baba habis meeting di bangunan berdekatan. Then, masuk waktu Asar. Kami pun menuju ke elevator untuk naik ke surau. We went in once the elevator doors open. We waited and then the elevator doors open again. Tapi saye perasan, kenapa kami masih di tingkat yang sama? And this sudden realization came to me that both of us didn't push the button. I said to my mom, "Maaaa, mama xtekan button tu." And my mom said, "Kan kakteh yang slalu tekan." But I was on the left side of the elevator and the buttons are on the right side where my mom was standing. Plus, I was with my son's pushchair in front of me, agak susah la nak ke kiri and tekan butang tu. So automatically it's my mom's 'responsibility' to push the button. There was a guy who went into the elevator, and he laughed listening to our conversation (bygkan me and Adam on the left side, mommy on the right side and he was right in the middle). He heard our whole conversation about not pushing the button. It was so embarrassing we both (me and mommy) ended up laughing our heads off.

Now, the second moment. That happened just a few hours ago when we went to Mara. Selepas urusan Achik dh selesai di Mara, kami ke Mara Digital untuk cari a few things. After enough shopping for one day, we headed for the elevator. We (me, mommy, daddy, Achik and Adam) were actually talking about something so nobody really paid any attention to the elevator. We kept on talking and talking. It was when my legs started to feel tired that I wondered what's taking the elevator so long. So I looked at the buttons (up/down) and neither of them lit up. Meaning nobody pushed the button. So I said to them, "Kita nak turun cmne butang pon xtekan". Everybody assumed Achik would push the button because well, she's the youngest. But we forgot that she also is an adult now. Oleh itu, tanggungjawab menekan butang elevator automatically jatuh ke Adam. Ahahahaha...

These moments sounded funnier in my head. I guess I'm not a good storyteller. Huhu...nevermind.

P.s: Can't wait to see my baby daddy tomorrow. Sila balik cepat, Adam dah rindu (ehem). TQ