oh...that blue little Bag pencil case is not mine!It's my friend's!mine is the one beside it..hahaha!!!Yeah..even though I hate to admit it...I'm the pauper and my friend's the princess...huhuhu
Wednesday, 14 January 2009
The Princess and The Pauper
I've always pictured myself in a fairy tale and I'd be the princess of a far far away land. And I would have all the luxuries that I could dream of and every handsome man in the world lining up just to have a glimpse of my beauty. Haha…but sadly the reality is the absolute opposite. I’m not even close to being pretty, I don’t own fancy stuff and I’m not very smart (compared to Einstein)…haha!!!I don’t even have a proper case for my stationeries. Can you imagine me using a small POPULAR plastic bag instead of using the common pencil case? If you can’t, I can show you…hahaha…
oh...that blue little Bag pencil case is not mine!It's my friend's!mine is the one beside it..hahaha!!!Yeah..even though I hate to admit it...I'm the pauper and my friend's the princess...huhuhu
oh...that blue little Bag pencil case is not mine!It's my friend's!mine is the one beside it..hahaha!!!Yeah..even though I hate to admit it...I'm the pauper and my friend's the princess...huhuhu
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tlg la jgn gune plastik lagi, kesian plak tgk. haih..
ni bkn kes xmampu nak beli, tp saje malas nak beli kan? kan? kan?
hihihih...xde la. bukan malas nk bli.
bbrp minggu yg lepas pon sy xpakai pencil case. ikat pakai getah je. ahaha!!!tapi memandangkan asyek bersepah dlm bag, sy bli la jugak satu yg murah..huhuhu
lain kali bgtau la. boleh saye tolong belikan satu~
aduhai...xkan la setiap kali pon nk suh awak blikan. xpe2, i can buy one myself for now.
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